Our partners

Together we achieve more
Our global commitment to humanitarian aid and development cooperation would not be possible without cooperation with our network and our partners. Whether foundations, associations or partner organizations in our project countries - here you can find out who supports Help's work and how.
Our network

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe is a member of Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Aktion Deutschland Hilft is an association of renowned German aid organizations that work together to provide rapid and effective aid in the event of major disasters and emergencies abroad.
The participating aid organizations pool their many years of experience in humanitarian aid abroad in Aktion Deutschland Hilft in order to further optimize their successful humanitarian work to date. Aktion Deutschland Hilft consists of 13 full members and a total of 24 participating organizations. Help is one of the full members and a founding member.

Help is one of the supporters of the Centre for Humanitarian Action. The Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) is a think tank founded in 2018 that is committed to the independent analysis, critical discussion and public communication of humanitarian aid issues and its four fundamental principles: Humanity, Impartiality, Independence and Neutrality. The CHA is an initiative of humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to strengthen humanitarian aid from Germany and internationally.

The Global WASH Cluster (GWC) is the most important global network in the field of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The Global WASH Cluster aims to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene worldwide by promoting and strengthening the effective and responsible coordination of humanitarian aid in this area. Help has been a member of the Global WASH Cluster since 2022.

Help is a member of the PREVENT Waste Alliance, which aims to develop a functioning waste and recycling management system. Reducing the amount of waste entering the environment in emerging and developing countries is particularly important to its members. To this end, PREVENT offers a platform for knowledge exchange and international cooperation. The members are organizations from business, science, civil society and government institutions. Together, they are committed to the prevention, collection, recycling and use of secondary raw materials. The focus is on plastic waste from packaging and disposable products as well as waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Help is a full member of the Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs (VENRO), to which around 120 organizations belong.
The central goal of VENRO is to shape globalization in a fair way, in particular to overcome global poverty. The association is committed to the realization of human rights and the preservation of natural resources.
As a full member, Help has committed itself to the following VENRO codes:
- VENRO Code of Conduct Transparency, organisational management and monitoring
- VENRO Code of Conduct for Children's Rights
- VENRO Code of Conduct for Development-Related Public Relations
Our partners worldwide

In the sense of empowering people to help themselves, Help relies on local and national actors in the project countries and works closely with local people and organizations. Professional aid organizations from the respective countries enable us to provide fast and tailor-made support. They know the conditions in crisis areas best and are often the first to arrive on the ground after a disaster.
Help therefore deliberately relies more heavily on local partners - both in the joint planning and implementation of projects and in strengthening national and local actors, for example through training and further education.
- Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan (OSAA)
- Razi Social Development Organization (RSDO)
- Municipality of Tirana
- Municipality of Berat
- Municipality of Mallakastra
- Murialdo Social Center
- Libera contro le mafie
- Gjirokastra Foundation
- Municipality of Kavaja
- BASTOB – Initiative for People’s Self-Development
- Non-Governmental Organization for Development and Affirmation of Society (NODAS)
- nLogic
- City of Doboj
- City of Gračanica
- City of Zavidovići
- Municipality of Teslić
- 5 Majevica tourism municipalities (Čelić, Ugljevik, Sapna, Lopare and Teočak)
- Association pour la Promotion des Initiales Local (APIL)
- Fédération Nationale des Groupements Naam (FNGN)
- Union fraternelle des croyants (UFC)
- Association Help-Tchad pour le Développement (AHTD)
You can find out more about our implementation partners for flood relief in Germany at this link.
- Union des groupes d’études et d’actions pour le développement de Fizi-Itombwe (UGEAFI)
- Egyptian Food Bank
- Greek Council for Refugees (GCR)
- Kosovo Government
- Kosovo Municipalities - Mitrovica, Skenderaj, Fushe Kosove, Gjakova
- Basmeh & Zeitooneh
- Union of the Agricultural Workers in Lebanon (UAW)
- Meras Development Organization
- Al Tomooh Organization
- Life for children with Chronic deseases
- Philantropists Group Association
- Greenfield Foundation
- GSAD – Groupe de Solidarité et d’Appui au Développement
- FAABA – Fonds d’aide aux bien-être des Africains
- CAEB – Conseils et Appui pour l’Éducation à la Base
- GREFFA – Groupe de Recherche, d’Étude et de Formation, Femme-Action
- Association Homecare
- Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF)
- Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR)
- NGO “Pro Cooperare Regionala” (ProCoRe)
- Juventas
- Queer
- Bona Fide
- Municipality of Berane
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
- NGO Dobro Djelo
- Ministry of Labour and Social Care
Islamic Relief Worldwide (via Islamic Relief Deutschland)
- Cercle de Réflexion et d’action pour un développement local innovant (Cercle Dev.)
- Gestion et Valorisation des Déchets (GVD Afrique)
- Homme Environnement Développement Tamat (HED Tamat)
- Community Appraisal and Motivation Programme (CAMP)
- Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits (ECOWEB)
- Standing Conference of Roma Associations “League of Roma”
- YUROM Center
- Albania - SDA Academy Albania
- Armenia - Armenian Code Academy, BSC Business Support Center
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bit Alliance
- Kosovo - Balkan Women Association, BONEVET, Melita&Partners, INDUSTRIA FILM LLC.
- Montenegro - Logate, ICT Cortex
- Serbia - Serbian Games Association, Semos Education, Center for Human Rights
- Ukraine and Moldova - Beetroot Academy
- Gülümseme ve Zeytin
- Yardımlaṣma ve Dayanıṣma Derneği
- Hayi Yardım Inisiyatifi Derneği (HAYI)
- NGO Avalyst
- NGO Girls
- NGO Shyrokyi Step
- The Ukrainian Business Council
- CO UAO Home Medical
- CO CF „Safe Sky“
- Response MENA for Relief and Human Development (RMENA)
- Dabane Water Trust
- Partners for Integrated Growth And Development (pigad)
- Lower Centenary Producers Organisation (LCPO)
All figures relate to the 2023 financial year.