Emergency aid

Donate for Ukraine

Ukrainische Frau vor ihrem Haus

million people need humanitarian aid


civilians have been killed since the beginning of the war


million had to leave their homes

Two years of war in Ukraine

Since the escalation of the war, nothing in Ukraine has been the same. Since then, Help has supported around 800,000 people in coping with the consequences of the war: We distribute relief supplies, hot meals, financial aid and provide medical and psychological support. 

Your donation will help people in Ukraine to survive the hardship:

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How is Help providing support in Ukraine?

Emergency aid for those affected

Help is currently operating in 18 regions of Ukraine. Two years after the start of the war, we have achieved the following, among other things:

  • Around 800,000 people received direct support from Help, for example in the form of aid packages, hot meals, cash assistance or medicines.
  • A further 2.75 million people benefited from the help we provided in communities. This includes refurbishment measures in municipal facilities such as schools and equipping hospitals with medical supplies, as well as ensuring the supply of heat at community level.
  • We have distributed around 100,000 food and hygiene packages to affected families.
  • More than 25,000 people have access to psychosocial support, especially children and women affected by violence.

Our team in Ukraine is doing everything it can to support people in need. We also provide medical and social aid for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, for example by sending out mobile medical units and looking after children in refugee shelters.

What is the situation like in Ukraine?

Millions of people need humanitarian aid

War has been raging in eastern Ukraine since 2014. As a result of the fighting in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, many people have been killed or driven from their homes. The fear of war and violence has been part of everyday life for the population in eastern Ukraine for years.

The conflict escalated in February 2022. Since then, there has been fierce fighting between Russian troops and Ukrainian forces in large parts of Ukraine. Tens of thousands of people have already fallen victim to the fighting, including many civilians. 5.9 million people, mostly women and children, have currently fled to neighboring countries such as Poland, Moldova, Hungary or Romania. More than 3.6 million Ukrainians are displaced within the country.

The refugees were often only able to take the bare essentials with them. There is a lack of food, medicine, hygiene products and safe accommodation. In addition, large parts of the civilian infrastructure have been damaged or destroyed as a result of the fighting. The icy winter is particularly hard for those affected. 14.6 million people are dependent on humanitarian aid - more than a third of the Ukrainian population.

A monthly donation provides lasting help
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Ein kleines Mädchen und ihre Familie erhalten Hilfsgüter
Ein ukrainisches Mädchen mit Wollmütze schaut schüchtern in die Kamera
Donate Ukraine: Help now

Your donation for Ukraine will help us to provide emergency aid for families in need. 


You can transfer your donation directly to our donation account:

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE47 3708 0040 0240 0030 00
Keyword: Ukraine

Or you can donate online.

Our projects in Ukraine are funded by the following donors:

Find out which local partners we work with in Ukraine: Our partners

Help distributes food, water, hygiene and medical items to people affected by the war. We support families with financial assistance, for example for transportation or other evacuation costs, and provide necessary information on safe spaces, evacuation and general protection measures for internally displaced people and other victims. We also offer psychological support and assistance in finding safe shelters. In addition, we provide support to local farmers so that they can maintain their production.

If you have the possibility to host Ukrainian refugees, you can usually find more detailed information on the website of your city or by sending an email to the responsible department of the city:

We receive many requests for donations in kind. We greatly appreciate their commitment, but unfortunately we are unable to accept donations in kind due to capacity constraints. Help procures most of the relief supplies locally and in neighboring countries in order to save transport routes and strengthen local markets.